I was born in the 1950's, and there really was a difference in the world's attitude toward God that was a lot more than "lip service."
I was a teen in the 50's, and things WERE different then.
Sure there was adultry, murders, homosexuality, drunks, etc., ad infinitum; but all these were frowned on by society.
Also there was none of this "you can't judge", or "truth is relative", or "God didn't mean---"!
Black was black, and white was white in moral issues; very little gray! If you partook of any of these sins, you tried your best to keep it IN THE CLOSET simply because society as a whole didn't condone or excuse.
If you parked downtown & went to a movie (affordable then
) & you forgot to lock the car doors, it was no big deal. Didn't get overly upset if you forgot to lock your house either. Didn't mind walking down a long dark street cause there was nobody waiting to mug or murder you.
Yes people were the same, sinners all, but there was a sense of morality that even the "un-godly" respected.
One of the most outstanding that I remember was in the barbershops. Usually several guys inside waiting either for their turn or their favorite barber & usually a shady joke or two being bandied about. Then the local Baptist or Methodist or whatever preacher walks in; first thing one of the barbers always did was to loudly greet him by "Hello Preacher---, how you doing today!
That, of course, was the cue to keep the conversations clean from that point on.
Hypocrites? Maybe, but still the office of GOD'S MAN was respected.
Are things different today from then---you betcha'; take it from one who's lived it!
The one aspect that I find superior today vs then, is that it's easier to spot a true bible believing Christian in the workplace now that the restraints are gone, than it was then when EVERYBODY wanted to appear "christian" even with a lack of belief!