I thought this an interesting article. It shows that the American people are well aware of the foot-loose and fancy-free playing with the truth by the right wing. The right wing should take note and change more to telling the truth ... but I am confident they will not do so and it will hurt their efforts in the next election. Will it be a fatal hurt? No one can tell at this point in time, but it will hurt their efforts IMHO. I would be much more prone to sympathize and even support some positions of the right wing folk if they were more honest with the truth. Their blind opposition to everything not from their own group is a very unwise path to follow ... again IMHO.
As you know, conservatives have been engaged in a full-throttle campaign to distort Obama’s positions on Israel, as part of a comically transparent effort to achieve the almost-never-realized conservative dream of driving a wedge between Jewish voters and the Democratic Party. Some on the right have confidently asserted that Obama’s recent speeches on the Middle East have finally unmasked his hostility to Israel and his shameful (if carefully disguised) sympathy for Palestinians.
In that context, you’d think this Pew poll would be getting a bit more attention:
Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, far more Americans continue to say they sympathize with Israel rather than the Palestinians (by 48% to 11%). These opinions are little changed from recent years.
A plurality (50%) says Barack Obama is striking the right balance in the Middle East situation, while 21% say he favors the Palestinians too much. There has also been no change in these views over the past year; in April 2010, 47% said Obama struck the right balance and 21% said he favored the Palestinians too much.