I think that we have had divided government since the end of World War II, not 1968 as the author says. I am thinking that Truman had Republican Congresses and I know that Ike only had two years of a GOP Congress. There was a lot of contempt for Truman, who could be very pompous, and a lot of fatigue with FDR.
Secondly, in my opinion, the Viet Nam era was worse than this era. There were endless domestic bombings from the likes of Bill Ayres and also violence against the police as we have now. There were a lot of riots and constant demonstrations. In fact, we have not had domestic tranquility since the 1950s, sometimes called the golden age because of the peace and prosperity.
The Democrat Party is in a state of decay. It no longer has intellectual thoughts. It has lost power except on the coasts and in the big cities, which are terrible places in America. The Democrats are the source of this cold war. They need to go to work and stop being stuck on stupid. Their role is that of the loyal opposition.
One final thought. During the Great Depression, the Democrats and FDR ran everything. Do you think that the Democrats were civil to Republicans then?