She's not Trump.
I bow to your logic.
Nope. I don't support abortion at all.
By opposing Trump, you support Hillary, you support abortion, abortion on demand, abortion paid for by taxpayers. Abortion assisted by unwilling participants. (The Supreme Court just refused to hear a case of a Christian pharmacist being forced by the government to dispense abortion-causing drugs. In response Justice Alito tried to sound the alarm, "If this is a sign of how religious liberty claims will be treated in the years ahead, those who value religious freedom have cause for great concern" but your ears are deaf. And, Hillary hasn't even appointed the Fifth Activist yet, the fatal blow to the Constitution.)
Nope, not at all.
Nope, not at all.
Prove it, vote against Hillary, i.e. vote for Trump. As long as you refuse to vote against Hillary, in effect you support punishing Christians who don't take part in anti-Christian activities. This is the beginning and end of what Hillary stands for. But, Trump has never shown the least bit inclination or interest in punishing Christians for being Christian.
I do not support blanket amnesty programs or the use of executive orders to force a political figure's will on the populace (something that Trump is likely to do quite a bit if elected).
On this planet you think Hillary is less likely to ignore immigration law than Trump? The same Trump that has been less immigrant-friendly than any other candidate? (FYI, I think all immigration should be legal, but that the government shouldn't give welfare to immigrants nor force people to do business with immigrants.)
Hardly. Neither Ms. Clinton or Mr. Trump have an ideal record on religious liberty, but I believe Trump is much worse. He has specifically asserted that he wants to restriction immigration based on the religion of the applicant.
Your case against Trump on religious liberty is his rhetoric to ban Muslim immigrants? He'll never be able to make that happen, so what's the problem? A ban on Muslim immigrants has no impact on the religious freedom of American citizens, including Muslim Americans. A ban on Muslim immigrants doesn't compel a single Muslim on the planet to violate his faith. A ban on Muslim immigration that will never happen is nothing compared to Hillary's desire and ability to make living by Christian faith illegal.
I don't like higher taxes, but if our government can use money effectively and not wastefully, I don't mind paying taxes. I prefer a graduated tax up to around $50,000/year for a family, then a flat tax - without all of the deductions that make our tax code insane and help the rich avoid paying any taxes.
Hillary wants to raise taxes on everyone (that really is her position), at every income level, aside from expanding a few deductions and credits (e.g. 2500 credit for college). Her "tax plan" is mainly promises of income growth for the poor (e.g. raising minimum wage) and middle-class. But, Trumps tax plan is more along your line.
Nope. I don't want ANY activists on the Supreme Court - left or right wing. I want the Court to be non-political.
It takes five votes to control what has become the highest power in the land, the Supreme Court. Hillary already owns 4 votes with Activists and has an empty seat to fill. This is an unprecedented opportunity in American history to nullify the Constitution. Trump has suggested some very good judges for the empty seat.
(1) I am not a #NeverTrump "follower." I decided against Trump before I ever heard of the #NeverTrump movement.
You might have decided against Trump before Trump won the primary. But, I find it hard to believe that the influence of anything but #NeverTrump rhetoric is going to stop you from voting for Trump in the election, assuming you're a Republican.
This kind of talk where good citizens are labelled "enemies of America" is exactly the kind of rhetoric that the followers of Mr. Trump perpetuate.
I think the Supreme Court issue alone justifies labeling Hillary supporters as enemies of America, which effectively includes those Republicans who won't vote for Trump. In a way, Republicans who won't vote for Trump are worse than Democrats. The Republican should know better and it's the Republican base that Hillary is the greatest danger to.