Well-Known Member
Yes, I read every word you wrote and agreed with most. I should have stated that in my response, so I apologize for not saying so. You make good scriptural arguments here.Did you even read what I wrote?
I said that you speak truth to this person, telling them that God created them with a specific gender and saying differently is telling God He is wrong. That is sin against God. We must be honest with our neighbors, even if they hate the truth.
This does not mean that I don't love my neighbor if they don't repent. I am still called to love my neighbor even if they don't repent.
There is no connection, however, to not “loving” a sinner and following God’s commands concerning an orderly worship service. Allowing cross dressing in worship is a distraction from worship and should not be allowed.
I also disagree with your statement, apparently, we should allow our children to be exposed to cross dressing men in order to show children how to love sinners.
peace to you