Teddy Roosevelt:
What do you consider to be most important?
I see it very similar to the beliefs on this board.
There are several issues of "doctrine" that some would just about die for.
Yet those "doctrines" have nothing to do with out salvation.
We spend so much time "arguing" about some of these issues - when we should be out evangelizing!
Mind you, not saying it is wrong to have some discussion - but it appears that most people will never change their views
Likewise with how we want to "politically" (and I use that term very loosely) - are we more concerned about being Americans or do we need to be more concerned about our bloodline.
Last week I was watching PBS (thats right - PBS!) as they were broadcasting the 4th of July events in DC. There were thousands upon thousands of Americans in attendance! Of course - visually, I saw a difference in skin color - the shape of eyes, ect ---- but the one thing that united everyone there was EVERYONE is an AMERICAN!
I was just thinking - one way to improve that celebration is right at the beginning is to have a federal judge to give the oath of citizenship to new Americans!
And likewise - I am proud to be a Baptist - but I am still able to fellowship with other (true) Christians. We have a great group of pastors who meet monthly - and each Friday at noon, we invite the entire community to our city prayer meeting. We are praying for revival in our city! We are not worried about secondary doctrines - we simply want to see folks accept Christ Jesus as pastor.
I somewhat joke and call myself a Mutt-American - but above all
I am proud to be an American.