I believe this is what Stanley is trying to address – not to diminish Inerrancy but to witness to the lost without assuming they come from at least a “Christian culture”. I think this because Stanley has stated this is his intent and that he also believes Inerrancy important.Have you dealt much with the post modern thinker? They do not believe in absolute truth. They do not believe The Bible is true because they do not believe anything is true. They believetruth is situationally relevant. They believe truth is different for each person. What is true for you may or may not be true for me. This is the carp that our schools and universities are indoctrinating our Children with. Stanley's approach is one of the more effective approaches I have seen used to deal with post modern thinking. "The Bible tells me so" and $1.75 will get you a cup of coffee when you are talking with a post modernist.
@Revmitchell 's argument that there are people who believe inerrancy keeps the lost from Coming to Christ is a strawman argument. No one is trying to toss out Inerrancy. The question is whether or not the doctrine should be a part of evangelism (when we witness to others are we expecting them to hold the same position as we hold….i.e., “this is true because it’s in the Bible”).
There are doctrines one must accept as a part of the gospel itself. Jesus is God. The Incarnation. Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. That we have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The question is whether or not one must accept Scripture as infallible as a part of the gospel….not whether or not Scripture is infallible.
To be forthcoming here - I do not care for Stanley's preaching. I find him often vague and appealing to the crowd. But this is probably more me than Stanley. I don't support his ministry, nor do I know enough about his teachings in other areas to have an opinion. If he teaches heresy then there should not be a reason to make assumptions. Address what he actually teaches. My point here is that we need to be more careful about making assumptions about people and degrading what God is doing through those who serve Him. Maybe Stanley does believe the Bible contains errors (regardless of his statements to the contrary). I don't know because I don't follow the guy. I praise God people are being saved through his ministry. If we are critical, we need to be critical about what he says on his own terms (we can't just ignore when he comes back and clarifies his statements) and not stand on assumptions.