I honestly believe that similarities can be drawn here. I personally didn't like Bush, nor do I like Obama. I do recall people who were Bush Bashing, we were constantly regarded as unpatriotic or as being pro-terrorist. The only difference between me & most of your average Bush Bashers is that the others didn't like him beacause they thought he was too conservative. I simply didn't like him because he wasn't conservative enough.
I have heard of cases of where people who didn't support Obama, have been accussed of being a racist. I have also personally been accused of being a racist because of my conservative beliefs & views.
I simply discriminate against a political figure if he / she is not a conservative. I put their stances on the issues (or lack there of) under the microscope. When I select a candidate, I choose someone who comes as close to my views as possible. If that person happens to be a Republican, Democrat, or third party, it doesn't matter to me. Of course lately, the best presidential candidates have been third party (Buchanan, Peroutka, Keyes, & maybe Baldwin). The only problem is the Democratic Party doesn't have very many conservative people.