The Bible teaches that at least 2 of each animals was on the ark.
Actual question - how did penguins get to the Middle East from Antarctica?
The assumption is that penguins came from there, lol. Rather, it is more likely that the penguin migrated and adapted to conditions there after the Flood.
It is just a theory of mine but science speaks of a great impact which produced great consequences, which I would suggest may have been at the same time of the Flood. In Revelation we see great astrological events which coincide with the judgments imposed on the whole why not consider the possibility that the Lord used astrological events in that judgment too?
Radiation can be seen to cause mutation, not to mention a departure from a natural habitat. In the Flood there is no reason not to consider that as animals went out abroad, repopulating the earth, that conditions were in place which caused animals to spread out farther, and as they spread changes began taking place.
In fact, it might be considered that all of these events combined were specifically designed for that purpose.
Some of the animals in this world are strange, no question. Is there a possibility that mutation due to radiation from astrological events is the reason?
I think so, but again, it's just a "pet" theory.
God bless.