Well then Aaron, if you really interested and want a more complete answer to your question you'll just have to read John Walton's book, The Lost World of Genesis One, Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate. That's the topic the book deals with - and his other"Lost" books.
I know, it's a cop out for me but it's a topic developed much better in his books than I can ever express in a paragraph or two in a thread. Sorry.
I have not read the book. I read the Amazon page above, so I do not know how Walton deals with the chaos that God was putting in order.
That is the reason I asked from the scriptures which I posted, How was the sin of the devil from the beginning, whatever the beginning might have been, related to the chaos of which God was putting in order, that is the creation of the world {Kosmos} beginning at Gen 1:3 and how is that related to the sin of Adam?
Why was the earth without form and void in verse 2?
What did the darkness of verse 2 represent?
God is Light and there is no Darkness in him. 1 John 1:5
Did God divide himself from the Darkness on the earth of verse 2 calling the Light good, and the Darkness evil in verse 4?
Had the Devil in verse 2 already exercised his power of death, therefore now God was going to deal with the Devil by Creating the world (Kosmos) creating man in his image by which the Son of God could be manifested to destroy the works of the Devil?
He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8
The first man Adam was created for the purpose of the last Adam destroying the works of the devil?
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 1 Cor 15:26
And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. 1 Cor 15:45,46
The living soul was created carnal, sold under sin, subjected to the power of the Devil, in order that the Son of God could come into the world (Kosmos) in the image of the first man Adam to destroy the works and power of the Devil who had prior to Genesis 1:3 brought chaos to the earth?
Is this not what the scriptures show took place?
Please all wade in.
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