I wonder if Johndeerefan ever took advantage of the 'ask an apologist a question' link on Catholic Answers?
No. Why would I?
Many people have been won over to Jesus by the wonderful ministry.
Really? How can that be when they preach a false gospel?
The only requirement is that poster follow the simple rules of respecting that it is a Catholic site, BE POLITE (Johndeerefan), not be obnoxious or snarky, (Johndeerefan), don't make personal attacks (Johndeerefan) and so on.
And how was I "obnoxious"? When did I ever make personal attacks?
I never implied or said there was no evidence on Catholic Answers.
Here you go:
I have searched under the username Johndeerfan and there is no such user. Even being banned they would still include your post. I'm sure they haven't expunged your posts for 'revealing the true gospel'. You claim to have been banned for that reason. Anxious to check out those posts. So far, no one under 'Johndeerfan' seems to have contributed on the forums.
Please note the underlined parts.
And here, you imply that I lied about the reason I was banned, after I even copied and pasted Rachel Malloy's message to me explaining why I was banned:
You claimed you were banned from Catholic Answers for 'sharing the "true" gospel of Christ when in fact anyone who reads through all your postings will see the real reason you were banned.
I feel sorry for your congregation.
And now who's making personal attacks?
Probably lots of empty pew space!
Actually, we're about to start on our third building because we've grown so fast. But in all fairness, that's to God's credit, not mine.
By the way, isn't it interesting that you repeatedly accuse me of "personal attacks" and yet, here you are, no longer content merely to attack me, you're now attacking my church.
Tell us, Lori, why do you hate Christians so much?
You make personal attacks and do not conduct yourself as a true born again Christian.
And yet, every time you make this claim and I ask you for an example of my having made "personal attacks", you're not able to provide any.
Your hatred of Catholics runs so deep...
If I really hate Catholics, then why am I always saying how much affection I have and how much I appreciated the priests and nuns who taught me? Why do I always talk about my step-family with such fondness? Why do I have so many Catholic friends? Why is the man I always credit with influencing me to become a teacher and such an influence in other areas a former Catholic monk???
No, I believe that anyone who reads my posts
honestly will see that I don't hate Catholics at all, but that I love the word of God and that I love Catholics enough to tell them the truth about the futility of depending on the Catholic Church for their salvation.
I encourage all poster here to visit Catholic Answers are review Johndeerefans contributions. Notice the snarky, and impolite manner he posts. Look at his accusations of people lying, being idiots and fools. Johndeerefan know everything and can learn nothing.
Too bad, so sad!
Folks, Lori has made this claim several times and, each time I've asked her to give examples, she's refused. I believe that it's obvious the reason she's refused to provide any examples is that she knows that such examples simply do not exist. In fact, I feel so confident that I have not done those things that I strongly encourage anyone who is interested to go and read my posts there.
And, by the way, does anyone else see the irony in Lori's criticizing me for allegedly calling people "liars", when she, herself, has called me a liar?
However, you accused me of saying that Lutherans believe in Transubstantiation. Could you share with us the post in which I did so. No you can't.
Actually, if you go back and read my post, you'll see that I never "accused" you of anything. I just pointed out the difference in their beliefs. If you're really so insecure that you see that as an "accusation", then you probably shouldn't be posting on a board where you know people are going to disagree with you.
Isn't it just a wee bit hypocritical of you to criticize me for allegedly calling somebody a liar and then turning around in the very next breath and calling me a liar (again!)?
You also said Lutherans believe in consubstantiation. Even DHK proved that was a fallacy.
Really? Could you please show us where he "proved that was a fallacy"