Excellent post. The people of the world lack wisdom and understanding from God, who has been summarily dismissed from public life by the 'comrade citizens' of the nations of the world. Govts shoot themselves in the foot when they try to solve the problem of poverty in the world without consulting the Lord or His people. The Lord might have well said that He doesn't care if people starve to death if they don't work (2 Thess. 3:10). In trying to solve the problems of poverty the nations of the world have inadvertently fanned the problems of poverty, just as in trying to solve racism they have made the problem worse.
Human nature is lazy, selfish, jealous, carnal, etc., etc. The only way to solve the problem of national poverty and recession is to get more people working more profitably, which will increase GNP and raise tax revenues. To get more people working and less people on welfare or govt assistance should be a major focal point of every politician seriously interested in salvaging the economy of any nation. In America our 'compassionate laws' for the poor have had the undesired effect of encouraging govt dependence over work, which feeds the problems related to individual poverty as well as national poverty.
If a person has some kind of personal history of sins which has made him unemployable (drugs, crime, laziness, etc.), that person will not be helped by govt subsidy of his lifestyle, and aiding and abetting of such sloth will not only create these sins' permanancy is such a person's life, the testimony of such 'easy' money will also have the effect of drawing others into the same trap. Those in the ditch of permanent govt support will always be a drain on society, as costs for this kind of support will rise as more workers find ways to drop the 'curse of work' to go on the ease of govt provision. And since all such persons trapped in such dependence on govt support are in poverty, the govt assistance program guarantees by default that those in these programs will always be poor. Salvation is not of the govt, but bondage to poverty is.
Congress seems also unaware of the negative effect unemployment benefits have on the workforce. These individuals are workers as opposed to those who cannot work and, as such, are needed in the workplace to provide taxable income to the govt, to generate activity in the economy, like buying tools, lunches, cars, trucks, etc. for the purpose of helping them in their work. When workers become unemployed and find ways to live on that unemployment rather than having to go back to work, then the economy suffers from both sides, loss of taxable revenue and increased cost of govt unemployment support.
Of course not all people are unemployable because of sin and not all workers are taking it easy rather than seriously being motivated to find work, but enough of these kinds of problems are hurting the economy in such a way that soon nobody will be able to get anything from the govt because the govt will simply not have the money to provide those things any longer.