Who is this man speaking to? Other pastors?
In a few days I will be 71 years old. The last time I was "reprimanded" (before two weeks ago) I was in high school.
Yes, I was recently "reprimanded" just two weeks ago by my pastor. Well, I'm big enough to move on but what really flabbergasted me was what set him off was me trying to encourage the three elders of the church to incorporate language into our Statement of Faith regarding the Sanctity of Marriage as being that between a man and a woman. This was intended to head off any particular problem should it ever arise.
Let me tell ya..., from their reaction one might have thought I introduced a porno flick to the body. I've never seen anything like it. ...I have since distanced myself from the family that runs that church.
This man, Art..., says a lot. I'm afraid however that for the most part it falls on deaf ears. It does sound good but what the hey..., I doubt it sank into the hearts and minds of very many souls who heard him speak and his message will probably not be acted upon.
Hence, my comment, "Some try to make things so hard. No matter what you're doing it's not good enough all the while it's SO easy to believe you are not good enough should you listen to everybody else."
Perhaps my comment makes little sense to you but it does to me. Until we can overcome the "politics" of any church Sunday Morning Service is but a lecture. For sure you don't ask any questions and..., you don't offer anything but a tithe check. ...so who really cares how many types and styles of Bibles are to be found in a Christian Book Store?