Some "nutty professor" from Minnesota State University-Mankato has tweeted provocatively about the virgin birth.
No doubt this is well-designed for the #MeToo era.
"impregnating a teen" "no consent" "power difference" "abuse of power" "predatory"
How would you answer this professor's assertions?
His follow up included:"The virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all-powerful deity impregnating a human teen. There is no definition of consent that would include that scenario. Happy Holidays."
[One source of many: Minnesota Professor Suggests God Violated Mary By 'Impregnating' Her Without 'Consent']"The power difference (deity vs mortal) and the potential for violence for saying 'no' negates her 'yes'. To put someone in this position is an unethical abuse of power at best and grossly predatory at worst."
No doubt this is well-designed for the #MeToo era.
"impregnating a teen" "no consent" "power difference" "abuse of power" "predatory"
How would you answer this professor's assertions?