Yeah, that is the classic definition of Never Trump. Trump is the only candidate that will stand up for the deplorables, which you would abandon to an incapable Pence just to spite everyone.
No...see I believe in a better America than trump provides, one that doesn’t cheat on its wife with prostitutes, one that doesn’t try to solicit sex with married women, one that doesn’t try to grab them by the pussy... or even say it or think it. I know the caliber of man trump is and I reject it. Unfortunately you know him as well but you choose to go with the creep. So what does that make you?
And there is no spite, that’s for children. My consern is for the moral character of the country I love and would protect with my life so I will continue to reject political candidates that demean the character of our country ... that includes Trump, Clinton, Obama and surprise Bush who dragged us down the primrose path to a manufactured war costing us trillions.
Now if you had said let’s take a hard look at Scott Walker or the guy from Ohio, both men of character, both Consertatives yea then you’d have my support. But you didn’t. You chose a NYC foul mouth, shoot from the hip, slash & burn huxter. Good luck with that mess.