salzer mtn
Well-Known Member
A antinomian is a person that believes that the law of God is not binding on a christain for salvation or as a rule of life. They also believe that a christian is justified in eternity past and not by putting ones faith in the Lord Jesus. They also believe that salvation, justification, and sanctification have already been accomplished in them by Christ in eternity past. Their idea of salvation is when you come to realize, you have always been saved but God is just now revealing it to you. The ones i know absolutly don't believe a person can be saved unless the message of your salvation was preached by one of their preachers. The preacher i know of say's he will not let his concience smite him as he is not under the law but under grace. I heard one preach on the Phillipian jailer and when he got to the scripture, what must i do to be saved that was ask by the jailer, the preachers reply was, nothing, instead of believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Are these beliefs to be avoided at all cost or are there members here that believe like this ?