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ANWAR passes house - attached to a Defense Bill

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by LadyEagle, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Not at all. I have worked for an oil company for 27.5 years and my dad worked for an oil company for over 30 years, yet I support this plan for the good of my country:


    Also, seven months ago I traded in my 8-cylinder pickup truck for a 4-cylinder Honda Accord.
  2. mountainrun

    mountainrun New Member

    Jun 17, 2001
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    You can all forget the line item veto. It was enacted some years ago and declared unconstitutional by the Supremes.
    During the Bush 1 years if memory serves.

    Now, as one who cut his working teeth on the Alyeska Pipeline some thirty years ago...
    All the environmentalists cries of alarm were false. Great care was taken to protect the environment, which BTW looks absolutely nothing like the beautiful forested scenery you see on the news snippets.
    There simply are no trees on the North Slope.
    Propoganda, my friends.

    Would you believe that most of the 800 mile project, access road and pipeline pad is underlaid with styrofoam?

    I only knew of one worker who was not concerned with protecting the environment, but I never got to meet him as he was fired his first day for driving onto the unprotected tundra.

    The oil was predicted to be gone in 20 years but we are still pumping some 30 years later.

    The estimates on the ANWR reserves comes from the same data used to calculate the Pruhoe Bay reserves, soooo, there is probably more in ANWR than we think as well.

    As someone mentioned, some oil DOES go overseas instead of here, but it has never been more than 7% of production. And none was sold overseas until '95.

    I now work in a coal mine where incredible expense goes into reclaiming the mined land.
    The coal I mine allows many of you to run you precious computers.

    If they open ANWR, I plan to be there if possible.
    I will make enough money to retire early and you who allow your children to drive their cars to school instead of riding the uncool bus will pay.

    You who allow them to cruise main every night will pay.

    Those who drive 4 blocks to their aerobics class will pay.

    Those spouses who work to pay for the extra car they wouldn't need if they didn't work will pay.

    And I, my friends, will spend it wisely.

    The reason we need more oil isn't because we don't have enough.

    It's because we are spoiled rotten by prosperity.
    We are lazy and prideful.

    Are so foolish with our energy and money that we will spend 20,000 dollars to buy a car that gets another ten MPG, not stopping to think for a minuty how much energy is used to produce that car or how much fuel we can buy with 20,000 bucks.

    Did you know you could drive over 2,000 miles on the fuel used in manufacture and transport of a Toyota Camry to the dealers lot?

    You could supply electricity to four people for a year with what it takes to manufacture that car.

    Things are not a simplistic as we would sometimes like to believe.

  3. mountainrun

    mountainrun New Member

    Jun 17, 2001
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    Oops, I forgot the global warming crowd.

    Did you know that when you buy that Toyota to reduce the harm to the ozone layer, you have to drive it about 24,000 miles before you have emitted as much Co2 as was produced during the manufacturing process?

    The information age can be disheartening, can't it?

  4. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    I have no problems with ANWAR, I just don't like the way they attached to a Defense Bill. Just like they attached the National ID card expansion to replace the SSN card to an immigration bill. Congress has learned how to hide items in bills that are totatlly unrelated to bills, because they know that Congress, the President and the voters will probably never read these bills.
  5. mountainrun

    mountainrun New Member

    Jun 17, 2001
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    It's not hidden J. We all know about it. People evidently DID read it.
    I don't like it either but it is what it is.
    Reform is long overdue and will never happen.

    As I posted, the line item was found to be unconstitutional.

    Although it may have been under Clinton rather than Bush 1. Memory fails.

  6. JGrubbs

    JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    People saw this one because it's a hot issue that has a watchdog group looking for it. How many items were voted on, passed and signed into law without being read over the years. It's time for the voters to demand change! I agree with you that it will probably never happen, because most voters are to ignorant and lazy to stay in constant contact with their elected officials to let them know they are being watched.

    "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." --Thomas Jefferson

    "The only thing neccessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." --Edmund Burke
  7. hillclimber

    hillclimber New Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    Congress will never vote to get rid of riders. The line item veto is only good if the President in office wants enemies on both sides of the aisle.
  8. fromtheright

    fromtheright <img src =/2844.JPG>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    ANWAR passes house - attached to a Defense Bill

    So? It happens all the time, including on issues that we agree with. Those who opposed the amendment in the House apparently didn't have the votes to strip it from the bill. The side with the most votes wins. I'm not wild about it either but it does work and they're still grown ups--they can vote yes or no.

    At any rate, the Senate will likely approve this unless it is separated from the defense bill.

    Just one of the wonders of our bicameral Congress, LE: the Senate still gets a vote and they still have the power to separate it. So, what's the big deal?

    Plus, Hope of Glory is right, from what I understand. As with the pipeline, the area affected is small and I understand the companies involved have been very good stewards of the land they're working (yeah, yeah, Exxon Valdez). And thanks,moutainrun,for the additional info.
  9. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    I hope they do. Still would prefer the line item veto & believe that such would help curb some of the runaway spending on the Hill.
  10. fromtheright

    fromtheright <img src =/2844.JPG>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I pretty much agree with you on the line item veto, but we should be prepared for our own ox to be gored if is passes (I agree with the Supreme Court, it is unconstitutional as a statute and would have to be passed as an amendment to the Constitution), when Hillary uses it to veto a good and otherwise proper piece of legislation.