You're right. My definition may be different from yours ('course, they're all kinda relative, aren't they?). My apologies.
To make a living more on par with secular big name musicians. I think it's excessive anyway, but to make that kind of money off of God seems disgusting to me. I understand that the fans are the ones paying, and I certainly think that people who put all their time in a ministry should be paid (certainly enough to keep them comfortable), but to make the kind of money one would from the same kind of service in the secular arena in a ministry seems counter to the purpose. One doesn't go into ministry to get rich, they do it because they are called to it.
Definitions of rich will vary, and so it's probably not possible to give you a dollar figure ($100K a year would be rich to me!). But if a Christian musician were making several million dollars through their ministry, and not giving a great portion of it back to God, I know I would be turned off by it. I would think that if you had such a ministry, part of its purpose would be turning most of the money back over to God.
Being a musician who is Christian isn't the same as a Christian musician. Is that part making any sense? I'm making a distinction between having a music ministry and being a musician. I certainly don't think Christians shouldn't make money!
Edited because I don't want to give the impression that
only millions of dollars could be considered "rich," or that I'm speaking from knowledge about how much Christian musicians make, because I have no idea. I don't want to pull the "I know it when I see it," but I don't have enough knowledge to give a number. It really does depend on your perspective. To some people, I a couple hundred K isn't rich at all, but to others, it's a huge amount of money. Shoot, we could say that about $50, couldn't we? Anyway, I just don't want to give anyone the idea that I know anything about what Christian musicians make, because I really don't want to have to deal with things like "You think they make how much? bwahahahahah!"
Man, you can tell it's the end of the day.
Anyway, the point is that it's a personal conviction, and that I don't think it really matters what they make. But I would feel funny about getting my definition of rich from any kind of ministry. Others may not feel the same way. YMMV.
[ August 05, 2002, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: stubbornkelly ]