I identify myself as being more in the "progressive Dispy" camp, as tend to see it as being God always saved by JUST Gtrace both OT/NT, and see law as to isreal as a specific people, and do see jews today having to come through new Covenant to be saved by God, BUT also see some scriptures KUST still referring to isreal/Jewish peoples, and that God will be stablishing a physical reign on earth when messiah returns, NOT just a spritual one today, as Coevenat theology holds to...
don't jettison Dispy theology JUST due those who are Hypers...
Still prefer the literal view of prophecy being fulfilled to that view helfd by those espousing Covenant theology, as that tends to beinto allogory/metaphor/spiritualize etc!
The problem is that I have to face and debate hypers
in person. These are the type who believe that:
1. The church started with Paul's conversion, with him as the first member.
2. The church is not under ANY "covenant" (despite 1 Cor 11:25 and 2 Cor 3:6).
3. Paul taught an entirely separate "gospel" than did Jesus or "the Twelve."
4. The Twelve continued to preach the former "kingdom gospel" at the same time as Paul taught the "grace gospel" until God put Israel on hold in Acts 28.
5. The non-Pauline epistles were written for the Israelite "kingdom" recipients of their time and for future millennium believers, but not at all for the church of today.
6. Only in the Pauline "dispensation of grace" are people saved "by grace alone through faith alone;" at all other times people had to earn their salvation through works.
7. The New Covenant is not in effect today. It started at Pentecost, but was postponed until the millennium. The New Covenant is very much Law-oriented and is very close to the Old Covenant except that it is absent animal sacrifices and that the writing of the Law in the hearts is God giving these believers knowledge and memory of the Law so that they could follow it under persecution.
8. Believers in the millennium will need to be circumcised and follow the Law.
9. There is no eternal security outside today's antinomian "dispensation of grace." People in other dispensations had to work for their salvation and they could lose it.
These hypers are also ardent open theists who believe that God does not know the future contingent choices people will make. When you think about it, dispensationalism (especially the hyper variety) logically leads to open theism if God prophesies something and then changes His plans based on how people respond.
Any attempt to defend
dispensational premillenialism and a pretribulational rapture would leave me vulnerable to the logic of the hypers. In fact, after studying the issue, I cannot see any way to be consistent and accept these ideas without getting stuck in "the mystery" as taught by the hypers. I am now seeing that, since Jesus, the Twelve, and Paul all referenced "the kingdom" in different contexts, that "the kingdom" covers an "already, but not yet" concept of Christ's reign. Christ is now reigning and we are in "the kingdom" as citizens, but the physical manifestation will happen when Christ comes back "to deliver up the kingdom to the Father" and destroy His adversaries and death. I am finding it difficult to accept a "literal" earthly millenial reign. It could be that the "church age" is the millennium, the "tribulation" (the time of Jacob's trouble) happened during the first century (although we still face tribulations), and that Christ will return to culminate all things. He will come visibly, but it may not be
in this manifestation for 1000 years.