was it possession, voices, weird events?
It was during an alter call, maybe 17 years ago! There were about 40 people, and I prayed for each of them one-on-one! Of course I had the church pastor, my wife, a member of our music ministry and several prayer warriors from the church. We would all surround and lay hands on the people!
The last guy was middle aged, dressed in dirty army fatigues, and stunk to high heavens with BO!
When we gathered around him, everyone seemed nervouse, and I knew why, the man was spewing evil!
As we worked don the line, each person wuld take the lead and pray, but when we got to this man, N

NE wanted to pray! So it came to me!
As they laid hands on him, I prayed, and he began cussing, and getting agitated. The entire congregation seemed to stand up, and lift hands in our direction, and I simply rebuked the spirit, and called for it to leave the man!
No wrestling, no long, drawn out prayer needed. I just said, "In Jesus name, I command you to let go of this man, and to leave this place immediately!" Well, to all of our surprise, the man began to spout off more anger, and I could see that he had more than one spirit hanging on!
I raised my voice, and once again, commanded that any and all spirits of the world, flesh and Satan, leave immiadtely, in Jesus name!"
The man calmed down, and let us all pray for him, and everyone in the group took turns praying! There was a real peace, and the pastor called me later that week to tell me that the man, a street transient, had returned to the Wednesday night service, clean, bathed, shaven, and carrying the Bible we gave him Sunday night!
Pastor went on to tell me that the man was a totally different man from the one that had come to several past services, and on that evening!
About a year later, we ministered again at the church, and the same guy, hardly recognizable to me, came up and thanked me for praying with him, leading him to Jesus, and told me he was now head usher for the church!
Yes, I've seen demon oppressed and possessed people. I've prayed for them, and I've seen them delivered! This was one of maybe twenty that I can clearly remember being set free and given new life in Jesus!
I've also witnessed some long drawn out, prayers for people with demon spirit symptoms, and they were fiascos, and poorly done! Jesus set the example, and He and his followers never di much more than command the spirits leave in the name of Jesus! No reason for a floor show to entertain the congregation!
I hope this answers your questions! God bless!