Big difference between us today asking the Lord to heal someone, and being gifted to do that ourselves!
No one, including Jesus, could heal outside the will of God and without the power of the Holy Spirit enabling it at the moment.
There are two general ways healing works in the New Testament. The first is the classic prayer for healing where God may heal someone because of the prayers of his people. The second (much, much rarer) is when a disciple of Jesus who is walking in the Spirit "knows" that God wants to heal someone and the disciple exercises the authority of Jesus in that moment, in coordination with the Holy Spirit, to impart healing to the one who is ill/dying. I have only been part of that once, when I was with a mission pastor in Wyoming in March 1987 and the pastor was called to the hospital because a church member's elderly mother was dying. The doctor said her organs were shutting down, she was unconscious, and her was breathing was nothing but death rattles. (If you have been with someone who is dying, you know that sound.) I went with the pastor to hospital and he talked to the daughter who was beside herself with grief. Suddenly he told her, "The Lord is going to heal her." The pastor grabbed one of the dying woman's hands and asked me to take the other. He took the authority of the name of Jesus and pronounced the woman healed.
I was startled by the whole thing (I had just met the pastor a few minutes before - I was preaching a revival at the church beginning the next day), and looked to see if the woman was healed. She was still unconscious, but the death rattles had stopped (which can happen). The pastor told the daughter that her mother will be fine and to let him know if she needed anything else. We left.
Not much past the room, in the hospital hallway, I asked how he could make that claim and give that woman what appeared to be false hope. He said, "Wait and see."
A few minutes later we arrived back at the church office and started talking about the plans for the week when the phone rang. It was the daughter at the hospital. Her mother was conscious again and was trying to get out of bed to walk around. The doctors and nurses were startled by that and were trying to keep her in bed, trying to figure out what had happened.
The woman was in church with her daughter the next morning.
Do you agree with their view regarding modern day prophets and Apostles?
I'm sure I don't. I don't even know if there is a consensus viewpoint out there in that movement.
I do know that they have lots of prophets that constantly make false prophecies whenever they make specific predictions (for instance, Trump being re-elected), and I am unaware of how so-called apostles in the charismatic movement function.
Modern day apostles are what we call missionaries in our corner of Christendom.