I agree.
I agree that the way Jesus functions in the Godhead is different than the way we function with the Godhead (we are not, nor ever will be, divine), BUT Jesus demonstrated how human beings are created to live in His earthly ministry. He took on disciples who walked with Him, took up His practices (as best they could), and modeled their lives upon Him. His disciples are commissioned to carry on His ministry until the end of the age.
So when I point out Jesus' words that He did nothing on His own initiative, that is also a model for how we are submissive to the Godhead for our ministry and works. If, according to the good will and wisdom of God, we engage in a sign or wonder, it has nothing to do with our own power, but the power of God working through us (1 Corinthians 12:11).
Tangible examples will help explain things. This is how the manifestations have operated in my own life:
In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Paul lists examples of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit, such as:
(1) “message of wisdom” - knowledge of what God wants to do in certain human situations. Often this manifests while a group of people are in prayerful discussion of problem and suddenly one or more people, seemingly out of nowhere, bring forward a solution that is perfectly suited to the situation.
(2) “message of knowledge” - specific knowledge of something that a believer would not have any way of knowing, in order to meet the need of someone else.
(3) “faith” - this is a specific, extraordinary, measure of faith to trust God in a trying circumstance.
(4) “gifts of healing” - an ability to know when God intends to divinely heal someone and, if there in person, to be used of God to heal in that moment.
(5) “miraculous powers” - a catch-all term for divine action that cannot be explained by natural forces. Some people put things like exorcism in this category, but I don’t thing Paul necessarily considers the act of exorcism a spiritual gift.
(6) “prophecy” - having a specific word of God for that moment and specific situation — it is usually informed by a message of knowledge or wisdom.
(7) “distinguishing between spirits” - this is what is often called spiritual discernment, immediately knowing the difference between a true and false teacher, or the work of God and the work of the evil one.
(8) “speaking in different kinds of tongues” - the momentary ability to speak in a language unknown to the speaker, whether if be a human language or an “unknown” language.
(9) “interpretation of tongues” - a momentary ability to understand a language unknown to the speaker, whether it be a human language or an “unknown” language.
The gifts most often manifested through me have been, in order of frequency:
- Distinguishing between spirits (common)
- Message of knowledge (every few months, usually related to evangelism or ministry to persons in crisis)
- Prophecy (a few times a year)
- Message of wisdom (perhaps once or twice a year)
- Gifts of healing (on average, about once a year)
- Miraculous powers, if exorcism in included (rare — last time was in 1991)
I have witnessed what appears to be a genuine manifestation of tongues and interpretation of tongues only once (July 4, 1987 - Stewart Beach, Galveston, Texas), although I have been around people speaking in “tongues” far more often than I’d like.
I have not knowingly witnessed “faith” as a manifestation (aka “sign gift”), but that’s probably because I am far too sheltered here in the US. I imagine those facing martyrdom have this manifested in their lives.
Does this make sense to you? Do you want to specifically ask about any of these manifestations?