Well-Known Member
Is that what "Calvinists" believe? Really? I thought they believed man is born with a fallen nature which makes him unable to believe unto salvation the truth about God. As someone else has already pointed out, it is the difference between mental assent to certain facts and "knowing", or "being in" a relationship with, God.Ok, fine, that doesn't change the fact that they knew God and understood his divine attributes simply by the revelation of creation, whereas Calvinists teach that man is born so depraved he can't even understand truth plaining and clearly spoken in our own language in such a way as to believe it.
I guess the question becomes "when is God actively seeking to save the lost"?This debate is really not about whether or not men seek God, we both agree that mankind doesn't. This is about man's ability to respond to a God actively seeking to save the lost.
In the example of Romans 1, is "God actively seeking to save the lost" when it comes to natural revelation? If the answer is "yes", and you still acknowledge that (based on natural revelation) no one is saved... then you must admit there is something wrong. That is a 100% failure rate. Either something is wrong with natural revelation, or something is wrong with mankind.
If mankind has the ability to respond salvifically to natural revelation, then you might expect to find some evidence of that in scripture, and you could expect some evidence of that today. Is there any evidence that mankind can come to salvation through natural revelation? I don't know of anyone coming to salvation solely through natural revelation. It seems, as far as I can remember, that salvation comes through the special revelation that occurs when God intervenes in someones' life specifically for the purpose of furthering His cause in the world.
If you can point to any evidence of someone coming to salvation through natural revelation I will be happy to look at it.
If there is no evidence of anyone coming to salvation through natural revelation, then you must admit there is ZERO evidence that mankind has the ability to come to salvation through natural revelation.
And if it is true that mankind can come to salvation through natural revelation, you might logically conclude that Jesus didn't need to die on the cross at all, since there is another way to God and salvation (through natural revelation).
It is not accurate to say the "only people who can't understand are those being judicially hardened".This is what I'm talking about. The bible clearly says they DO UNDERSTAND and that is the very reason they stand without excuse and you claim "they can't understand." The only people who can't understand are those being judicially hardened.
Paul tells us in I Cor. 2:14 that "...a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised."
peace to you