Obama Admin Shows A Massive Hypocrisy With Its Voter ID Laws
According to the Obama Administration if you believe that requiring a photo ID to vote makes you a "racist", however if you take that ridicules accusation to it’s final logical conclusion, then by extension those elected government officials including the president himself would be guilty of discrimination, in that currently every government facility requires a photo ID, before anyone can entire any facility.
However, if the president truly believes that photo ID’s Laws are discriminatory then it’s incumbent that he should use his executive powers to eliminate all photo ID’s that require access to all government facilities…right?
After all the Obama Justice Department has already blocked Texas’s voter ID, so at least they’re consistent, right? Well not really because that very same Justice department requires photo ID to entire their facility.
Obviously consistency isn’t of concern to progressives. At a July 2012 NAACP event, NAACP President Ben Jealous claimed that requiring voter ID was “racist.” However, at that very same event, , the NAACP required photo ID in order to get into the event in the first place, so does that mean that Ben Jealous is himself a racist?
According to the Obama Administration if you believe that requiring a photo ID to vote makes you a "racist", however if you take that ridicules accusation to it’s final logical conclusion, then by extension those elected government officials including the president himself would be guilty of discrimination, in that currently every government facility requires a photo ID, before anyone can entire any facility.
However, if the president truly believes that photo ID’s Laws are discriminatory then it’s incumbent that he should use his executive powers to eliminate all photo ID’s that require access to all government facilities…right?
After all the Obama Justice Department has already blocked Texas’s voter ID, so at least they’re consistent, right? Well not really because that very same Justice department requires photo ID to entire their facility.
Obviously consistency isn’t of concern to progressives. At a July 2012 NAACP event, NAACP President Ben Jealous claimed that requiring voter ID was “racist.” However, at that very same event, , the NAACP required photo ID in order to get into the event in the first place, so does that mean that Ben Jealous is himself a racist?