I'm an Apple guy, I use their products and enjoy them. While I'm not a fanboy or die-hard, they just make my work and life easier. Anyways, per the OP, this is where I am on this:
Apple should stand their ground and tell the government to take a hike.
Completely agree! The challenge here isn't that Apple's iOS can't be hacked, it absolutely can be hacked, but that the government wants Apple to install a backdoor into all their devices that they, the FBI, can use to get into phones of suspected criminals. From what I've seen, the FBI should've been able to get into the phones of the this couple easily within hours of the tragic events. With some basic hacking tools and software the iOS encryption can be sidestepped and the phone opened up. The FBI isn't really asking for help on this current case, and if they are they need to fire their entire forensic technology department and go hire a new one made up of 20something hackers. What FBI wants to do is place, in proprietary technology a universal security backdoor on all devices that they can utilize whenever someone is under their surveillance.
This is, fundamentally, unAmerican and exactly what the Founders of this nation fought against over 200 years ago.
Under the guise of "security" and "safety" the FBI wishes to remove more of our civil liberties to attempt to provide a measure of information that is, frankly, not in the purview of their agency's reach. They wish to have free access to anyone's information at any time so they can "defend us" from terrible acts. I'm sorry we live in a world where one or two people can easily inflict mass terror on an entire populace. I'm sorry for the families of victims of these kinds of acts. And I'm sorry that there is nothing we can do to stop these kinds of people. But none of this excuses the FBI's request as being unAmerican and against the founding principles of this nation.
If this case, which will probably make it to the Supreme Court, ends up going the FBI's way, we are beyond hope as a nation. Just my opinion.