New Member
Let's take a break from the Holy Spirit baptism and cessationism!
I have something else to bug you about ...
Scripture references are available for all of the points in blue.
God’s elect are foreknown, predestined, chosen, called
God’s guardian angels protect God’s elect (at least until they become believers)
God gives the gift of faith to His elect
God gives His elect to Jesus
God creates born-again believers by placing the Holy Spirit in their hearts
Believers are warned to first count the cost before continuing
God’s plan has always been to accomplish His goals with the co-operation of man
Sanctification … “God chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit”
Major points of sanctification: holiness, perfection, love, forgiveness
Church members are given a multitude of dire warnings to pursue holiness
God promises born-again believers that they will be sanctified, IF they really co-operate
IMO, it is possible for a born-again Christian to NOT co-operate with being sanctified.
So IMO, there are 3 types of people in the churches (along with the curious and the seekers):
(1) the converted ... believe the gospel in their minds, but not in their hearts
(2) the born-again ... have been given the Holy Spirit in their hearts, but resist full sanctification
(3) the elect ... really willing to pay the price to be sanctified unto holiness by the Holy Spirit
Bottom line ... IMO, it is possible to be born-again, but not part of the elect who attain salvation.
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