Most of the time, when anti-preterism material is posted here or on other sites, most of the prets immediately holler that the "dispys" are at it again, & that their view is wrong.
I am anti-preterism. Does that make me a duspy? In a word, NO.
Dispensationalism is the belief that God has "dispensed" the manner in which He reveals Himself & administers the world in several distinctive ages or periods of time. A close examination of His administration shows four periods: the time of the Old Covenant, made with Israel only, the New Covenant, for all mankind & now in force, the millenium, which will begin with Jesus' return, and the new world which will come when the millenium ends.
Actually, I, and most other anti-prets are FUTURISTS, that is, we believe that the prophesied eschatological events have not yet occurred, but they WILL occur, and fulfill the prophecies to the letter. I believe we have the support of history and reality as shaped by Scripture as proof that this view is correct.
In and others, have asked many prets to supply some **PROOF/EVIDENCE/DOCUMENTATION** that show the events they SAY have happened, actually HAVE happened, but their answers are all opinion, imagination, and guesswork - no PROOF! Either that, or they say, "Those Scriptures are SYMBOLIC." or, they say, Here's what that verse REALLY MEANS...". and provide a hastily-invented incorrect answer.
Another branch of dispy I totally reject is the false "seven church ages" doctrine, begun in the 1600s by a mystic named Jane Leade, spread to Darby, and spread in the USA by the charlatan William M. Branham. While this false doctrine is seemingly harmless in itself, it IS a lie added to the body of Christian faith/worship, yet another of Satan's attempts to dilute the Gospel. Such a doctrine is found nowhere in Scripture. The seven churches of the Revelation all existed at that time, and types of them have existed continuously ever since.
In short, preterists, knowing they cannot prove their claims, seek to impose some sorta guilt trip upon those of us who reject their pret hooey and call them down over it.