This is not accurate.
1. Actually, I take every single time statement literally, as do all dispensationalists. I simply have a different exegesis than the preterist. I've already asked you how 14 years can be "soon," and you were vague and speculative, not directly answering. So preterism is not superior in this area. You are assuming without asking. You have still not asked me about "quickly."
2. The futurist view does not demand "a literal fulfillment of events that are described symbolically." What we do is ask for clarity on what is symbolic. The preterist (and other non-literalists) is vague about what is symbolic. I read David Chilton's commentary on Rev. and came away thinking, "Nothing whatsoever is literal to this guy." You can't say the book of Rev. is completely symbolic without saying there is no limit to symbolic language, which is linguistic nonsense. (I'm a linguist, so I can say this.

The truth is, literal interpretation teaches one to carefully recognize figures of speech. (A whole book simply cannot be figurative. It's impossible.) Go back to my recent thread on figurative language, and watch the non-literalists try to figure out exactly what a figure of speech is.
Again, a question. How do you know if a symbolic prophecy is fulfilled? By its very definition, there must be literal fulfillment of a prophecy, or it is not prophetic. Study the OT prophets for proof of this.