The wife and I are both 'Ex-Baptist', found the Catholic Church was the Church established by Christ and believe there are 'saved folk' in all denominations. Many Catholics have placed their faith in Christ. There are also many, many cultural Catholics (like I expect you probably were) who were Catholic in name only. You obviously didn't understand the teachings of the Catholic Church or recognize that the Early Church was Catholic to the core. BTW, I completely support you evangelizing cultural Catholics who have never placed their faith and trust in Jesus as much as I support your doing the same with Baptists. My next door neighbors in Visalia, Ca were Baptist Sunday school teachers and also denied that Hell existed and didn't believe in a physical (but spiritual resurrection) of Jesus. They attended the American Baptist Church which was the largest Baptist (but dying quickly) church in town. I guess you would support 'evangelizing' these folk as well?
I understood much of the teachings and was "sprinkled", had first communion and was confirmed as a teenager. I had to give up Wednesday nights for a year to do all that of my own volition.
A few years later I started to read the Bible and I did what it said, and was "born again" although I wouldn't know it until a year after the event. My wife was, and her family are just "cultural catholics".
In general in my area I typically won't evangelize Baptists, Assemblies of God/Pentecostal, Presbyterians, Methodists, or Mennonites and will rather assume they are brethren. If I knew that they taught Christ did not rise again then I'd certainly put them in the "need evangelization" camp regardless of denominations. I'm a Christian first and a Baptist second.