Yes ITL, it is good to have that experience. I've lived in numerous states, and towns/cities within those states. I've worked with organizations that work with area churches, along with discussing issues with family and friends who attend different places. There is also a bit of info to be gained by reading the news, subscribing to church oriented newsletters, and speaking to people on forums such as this message board.
For the past couple of years, I've been mulling over this information and for the last half year or more, started praying and seeking guidance on a way to be involved in addressing the issues that plague modern churches in our country. It is becoming a pressing issue in my heart. The other day, I was speaking with someone who recently traveled to Germany and gave his view of the state of health in their congregations. I speak to some from China and how it is going there. The comparisons only add to the strength of my belief that churches in the United States are in need.
You can sit there and be snide about the topic, but it doesn't help the issue. Instead, why don't you contribute to my effort to pinpoint what is happening? The state of this country testifies to the lack of active believers. In a country with freedom to worship and churches on practically every street, this should not be so. So show me, gracefully, where I am wrong. Tell me your view of what is happening. Tell me about churches that are vibrant, active, and do not have the issues I've pointed out, and tell me how they keep them that way.
That would be a much better read.