What Baptists came to America to start churches?
Didn't the founder of the first Baptist church in America; come from Boston?
And he wasn't even a Baptist - at least in name!
I not sure that Dr. Clarke was a Baptist but I know the folks that started the Welsh Tract Church were before they left Wales :
In the year 1701 some of us (who were members of the churches of Jesus Christ in the countys of Pembroke and Caermarthen, South Wales in Great Britain, professing believers baptism; laying- on-of-hands; election; and final perseverance in grace) were moved and encouraged in our own minds to come to these parts, viz. Pennsylvania; and after obtaining leave of the churches it seemed goed to the Lord and to us, That we should be formed into church order, as we were a sufficient number: and as one of us was a minister: that was accomplished and, withal letters commendatory were given us, that if we should meet with any congregations or christian people, who held the same faith with us, we might be received by them as brethren in Christ.
Our number was sixteen: and, after bidding farewell to our brethren in Wales, we sailed from Milford-haven in the month of June, the year above mentioned, in a ship named James and Mary; and landed in Philadelphia the eighth of September following:
After landing, we were received in a loving manner (on account of the gospel) by the congregation meeting in Philadelphia and Pennepek who held the same faith with us (excepting the ordinance of Laying-on-of-hands on every particular member) with whom we wished much to hold communion at the Lord's table; but we could not be in fellowship with them in the Lord's supper; because they bore not testimony for God touching the fore-mentioned ordinance.
There were some among them who believed in the ordinance: but it was neither preached up, nor practiced in that church: for which cause we kept separate from them for some years.
We had several meetings on this account, but could not come to any agreement; yet were in union with them (except only in the Lord 's-supper, and some particulars relative to a church).
After our arrival we lived much scattered for about a year and a half, yet kept up our weekly and monthly meetings among ourselves: during which time it pleased God to add to our number about twenty members, in which time we, and many other Welsh people purchased a tract of land in New Castle County, on Delaware, which was called Welsh tract: in the year 1703 we began to get our living out of it, and to set our meetings in order, and build a place of worship which was commonly known by the name of, The Baptist meeting house by the Iron-hill.
In the year 1706 we, and the congregation (meeting in Philadelphia and Pennepek) appointed a meeting to come together once more, in order to try at union in the good ways of the Lord setting up our prayers and supplications on this great occasion and purposing to do as the Lord should give us light.