Experience has Taught Me...
...that once a cheater, always a cheater; once a molester, always a molester; once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic, once a racist, always a racist, once a Baptist, always a Baptist (just checking to see if you were reading the entire paragraph); once a rapist, always a rapist; once an abuser, always an abuser; once addicted, always addicted.
Now I'm not saying that with medical assistance, and good counseling and ongoing support group involvement, a person can't overcome the tendencies to relapse. However, the truth is, people subjected to these socially deviant behaviors (except being a Baptist, maybe? :laugh

needs to realize they are in for a life time of temptations and the fight to stay clean and free of these sins against self and society, are going to be with the person until their death.
I base these opinions and views on professional experience in the field of counseling and social work. I have seen the way too many people claim to be healed and new, only fall to old habits. It is a shame, and a tragedy for those who are addicted to something and truly want to make a clean break, but the facts are, there will always be that voice from within that calls to them to return to the old ways, and without a strong support group and an even stronger personal constitution of inner fortitude, the person guilty of these social deviancies will be repeated offenders.
In a way, this is true within the hearts of each who are born-again in Christ. The old man may have been put to death, spiritually speaking, but, there is always going to be the voice of self and the devil working to tempt and pull the new nature of the born-again child back into committing sin.
Similar to those who are addicted to social deviancies, Christians need a strong support group (church and Bible study), prayer, and the right group of persons to hand with in order to lessen the chances of falling to temptations continued call.
Making a change for the good, or to borrow an old term used in the old Taco Bell ads, "Run for the border," takes commitment, dedication and hard work. And for some, it just never comes about, because like the Parable of the seed, some seed just falls on ground that never allows for long-term growth! :type: