On another thread in the pastor's forum, I made the assumption that sex offenders are dangerous and should not be trusted because they are repeat offenders. Another poster gave links that would seem to dispute this, at least partly.
Before I respond to him, anyone else care to chime in?
The simple answer to your question, which most believe to be true, is yes. Unfortunately that simple answer doesn't really answer the question.
First, being a sex offender covers many levels, from the 18 year old boy who has sex with his 17 1/2 year old girlfriend and her mother objects and has him sent to prison as a rapist, to the middle aged man who views kiddie porn on his computer, to the men who troll the teen chat rooms and lure girls to motels, to the peeping tom, to the flasher....and on and on.
So CAN they be trusted again? Some, yes. Not all. I don't believe that old man who enjoys walking through Central Park and gets his kicks out of flashing everyone will ever change. Will that 18 year old boy ever reoffend? Highly, Highly unlikely. However, that 18 year old boy doesn't meet the true definition of a sexual predator.
In churches, however, we must be ABOVE circumspect. We can take absolutely NO risk by allowing a convicted sex offender to have anything to do with children. They can never be a teacher, leader, or worker with children. Should they attend our churches? Absolutely.
Truth is, if we eliminated all men from the church who have lust in their hearts the church would be sans men. (and before someone jumps on me for saying men....women can lust too)