Lol....yes, but I'm not going to type out the long title.The proper wording in English is The Institutes Of The Christian Religion.
I would venture to say that one who disagrees with as much as 20% of those Institutes is not a Christian. Not just a non-Calvinist --but a non-believer. The same percentage goes for The Westminster Confession Of Faith and The Savoy Declaration.
More Spurgeon quotes regarding John Calvin :
"John Calvin propounded truth more clearly than any other man who ever breathed, knew more of Scripture, and explained it more clearly."
"I believe nothing merely because Calvin taught it, but because I have found his teaching in the Word of God."
"We hold and assert again and again that the truth which Calvin preached was the very truth which the apostle Paul had long before written in his inspired epistles, and which is most clearly revealed in the discourses of our blessed Lord himself."
As far as disagreeing with Institutes, it depends. Do you mean what Calvin's theology has in common with all believers? Then I agree, but who cares? That is what all have in common.
It is more interesting to examine what sets Calvin apart from the rest.
If Spurgeon believed Calvin preached what Paul wrote century's before then just go to Paul and dismiss all of those extra ideas.
Too often we seem to gravitate to men telling us what God would have wrote, but for some reason didn't. But if all Calvin did was to condense Paul's 13 letters into 1800 pages then let's just stick with Paul.