We dont see the term catholic in the Bible - we do see Churches of Christ, ect
John the Baptist! you may want to learn what landmark Baptists have to say about this.
Of course Catholic is in the bible, thats crazy. In fact based on what it means its unfairly mentioned in the bible multiple times.
You might say your name is JOHN, elsewhere its JUAN, they mean the same.
Catholic is through out all, everywheres, "THE WHOLE CHURCH" or you might hear universal.
First known recorded instance is from Ignatius of Antioch BEFORE the bible existed,
Where the bishop appears, there let the people be, just as where Jesus Christ is, there is the
Catholic Church. (ekklesia katholicos) [letter to the Smyrneans (35-107 A.D.)]
A example of Biblical recorded instance is ACTS 3 :31
men oun
ekklēsia kath olēs tēs ioudaias kai galilaias kai samareias eichen eirēnēn oikodomoumenē kai poreuomenē tō phobō tou kuriou kai tē paraklēsei tou agiou pneumatos eplēthuneto.
ἐκκλησίαι καθ’ ὅλης = Catholic church.
ekklēsia kath olēs = Catholic Church
καθ' (kath')
ὅλης (holēs)
"ALL the Church" = Catholic Church.
This might have been better understood by early Protestants and Reformist which is why they would adopt the attitude that they are the TRUE CATHOLIC church or claiming to be the part of it that the original has not fallen to apostasy.
Example John Calvin writes:
" For unless we are united with all the other members under Christ our head, no hope of the future inheritance awaits us. Hence the Church is called Catholic or Universal (August. Ep. 48), for two or three cannot be invented without dividing Christ; and this is impossible. All the elect of God are so joined together in Christ, that as they depend on one head, so they are as it were compacted into one body, being knit together like its different members; made truly one by living together under the same Spirit of God in one faith, hope, and charity, called not only to the same inheritance of eternal life, but to participation in one God and Christ. For although the sad devastation which everywhere meets our view may proclaim that no Church remains, let us know that the death of Christ produces fruit, and that God wondrously preserves his Church, while placing it as it were in concealment. Thus it was said to Elijah, “Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel” (1 Kings 19:18)." -- John Calvin's Institutes Book IV Of The Holy Catholic Church.
Let me throw one back at you. Show us what chapter and verse says the Gospel of Mark is the gospel of Mark or that it was written by a guy named Mark. I will only accept holy God inspired scripture.
If we look at the oldest scripture manuals they don't have the title mark, they don't even have chapter and verse numbers.