Thanks for the Link, HOS. It appears to be an earnest attempt to put forth Arminianism with a minimum of vague assertions that can mean very different things.
It is not really "vague" it is a link to an entire entourage of individuals whose sole purpose is to define and defend the Arm POV. There are literally hundreds of articles if one wants to follow any links.
1. Arminians believe Christ died for all mankind, not just for the elect.
2. Arminians believe in Total Spiritual Inability, but that God has overridden the inability with prevenient grace.
3. Arminians believe the grace of God's call through the gospel is resistible, so we feel the tug (i.e. Christ high and lifted up draws all men) but can reject it.
It appears they think a person becomes united "automatically" and seem not to address the view that those whose faith God credits as righteousness, are united with Christ by His supernatural act of transferring us from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of the Son.
I do not mean to be snide, or short, but, what the.... what does that Mean? and how does it differ from Arminianism???
5. Arminians believe our individual election for salvation is conditioned on our autonomous faith in Christ.
The article did not seem to address whether that election was God's before creation, or the person choosing to believe somehow becoming elect when automatically "incorporated" in Christ.
What does this mean??? No, I assume it does not address this...not in particular...
6. Arminians believe believers who have been "incorporated" into Christ are predestined to "final salvation." How that fits with the possibility of loss of salvation seems unclear.
Yes, and it is somewhat faillingly, and intentionally un-clear, as they simply were non-commital on the issue.
7. Arminians either take no position (i.e possible loss of salvation is not denied) or they believe salvation can be lost by the individual's choice to not persevere in the faith.
Yes, they are totally non-committed sissies on that doctrine....see my post where I likened it to a politician taking both sides of the issue is rather weak...and I have always disliked it.
8. Arminians reject penal substitution (code for limited atonement) but affirm penal satisfaction, explained as substitutionary atonement.
9. Arminians believe God knows the future exhaustively and are willing to ban anyone from their midst that does not agree.
Yes, harshly put, but not technically incorrect.
10. Arminians believe God either causes or allows all things, but does not predestine all things. Therefore humans make autonomous decisions, affirming our culpability for our sins.
Yes, except for the apparently have a particular point of view of what the term "predestine" must obviously differs from what you believe Arminians might support. No Arminian denies some form of "predestination", but, how precisely that might be defined is, limited at best....I am a Molinist, (for instance) and I tend to take a certain point of view about terms like ("election" and "predestination") and yet, although my view would be somewhat minority within the category of "Arminians" they do not dismiss my view as anathema or unacceptable within that category....and, strictly-speaking, there is no affirmative statement which they hold which I definitively disagree with...Therefore, I am comfortable enough with the term "Arminian"...even though some of the
Particulars about Soteriology, not
specifically addressed, are somewhat different than that which the average Arm. probably holds. It is a broad enough tent to encompass all of them.
In summary, close but no cigar.
Close enough for hand-grenades, anyway, and that's probably as good as it gets...How smart do you think we (as humans) are?
When I am Universally recognized as the World's fore-most authority on
ALL matters of I no doubt should be...

I will at least recognize that there are a lot of things, quite frankly, I haven't a clue God's plan and mystery are far beyond mortal me. :thumbs: