I think that we should not be specific in our prayers. If we can pray for good life then God knows what entails of good life, good cars, a good house and living a disease free life. We must also not get tired while waiting for God to fulfil our prayers. He knows best how he can make our life better, we must not forget that.
Hi, St.Francis -
I have to agree with annsni that praying for the "good life" isn't my prayer either - for myself or anyone else. Yes, you are right, God does know what we need. He also wants of to pray. We are commanded to pray and taught how to pray. We are taught to pray all by ourselves and with others corporately. And we are taught to pray specifically. All of this is in the bible.
Jesus prayed very specifically when he prayed - for himself and for others. I believe we are to emulate Christ in prayer. At the end of Luke 18, when the blind man cried out to Jesus to "have mercy" on him, Jesus knew the man was blind and needed a healing of this sight. But Jesus asked the man, "what exactly do you want me to do?" And the man cried out, "give me my sight". And Jesus did.
Also, in Luke 18 (at the beginning), Jesus tells a parable about not only specific prayer, but persistent prayer on
specific things. In the parable, a widow woman was being harassed by someone and she wanted a local judge to give her justice in this situation. She kept on and on and on until he honored her very specific request. Jesus said that prayer is like this.
He didn't want his disciples - or us today - to give up in prayer when we have a specific burden. And in Luke 11, after he gives us the model prayer with individual aspects of what our prayers should consist of, he gives another parable on persistent and specific prayer.
The parable was that a man comes to your house at night asking very
specifically for three loaves of bread. You say "no, my family is all in bed asleep". But the guy won't stop knocking on your door until you get up and give him him the three loaves of bread. Jesus goes on to say that prayer is like that - "ask, seek, knock....." and keep on doing so.
Sometimes we don't know what to pray for. The bible says that the Holy Spirit petitions God on our behalf. And sometimes we don't know what others need - so we can pray generically on occasion. When I pray for missionaries, unless I know them personally, I pray - "Keep your missionaries across the world safe and fruitful today. Soften the hearts of the people they will encounter today."
And for Pastor Saeed Abedini who has been in prison in Iran since 2012 and has suffered, I pray
very specifically. I pray for him to be delivered from abuse and torment. I pray for him to find favor with his captors and that they will have softened hearts and will listen to him. I pray for his release and that when he is released that God receive great glory from it. And I pray for his family here in the United States that they be given peace of mind and comfort in knowing that God is in control.
And finally, my prayers for myself and my family are specific. When I pray for forgiveness, I cite the wrongs I did. I know what triggers the tension between my mother and myself and I pray - mostly for me (I'm prone to a smart mouth) - when I know those triggers are coming up that God will deliver me from acting on those specific things.
I know that sometimes when we don't know details - we have to pray generically. But most of the time, we do know at least some details about ourselves and others. Christ prayed specifically - MANY times - and we should pray like he did.