I most certainly can understand and advocate self-defense in a war! That is not part of the question here.
But keep in mind that when Jesus was being whipped, mocked, a crown of thorns slammed onto His head, led to Golgotha, nailed to the cross, and then that cross or cross-piece slammed into the ground, ripping tendons and flesh, He was definitely being assaulted. He had both the power and the right to call down every angel in heaven to destroy His attackers and all of us.
He did not do it.
It is said that the church was built on the blood of the martyrs. Now I don't know anyone, including me, who would volunteer for martyrdom as a general thing! Not a pleasant idea! Nevertheless, these men and women stood up for their faith to the point of death. People still do this in Muslim and Communist countries today as well as, from what I understand, some African nations which aren't either.
This life here on earth is simply not the most worthwhile thing we Christians have going for us! God is totally in charge and if one of us is personally attacked, God knew about it and allowed it for a reason. I am NOT talking about defending family or home or country. I am talking about personal attacks -- physical, mental and spiritual.
The only time in the Bible when ANYONE is called upon to protest vehemently when attacked is a woman when being raped or threatened to be raped!
Now, if defending oneself in the process of defending another and so that you CAN defend another is called for, that is different, too.
But this business of "I will fight with anyone who wants to fight with me" is really wrong.
About the 'fight or flight' response. That won't wash. We live in a fallen world and we have sin natures. An adrenalin rush when confronted or threatened heightens awareness and speeds up response time. But how you use that awareness and response is still up to you.
It takes time to learn to NOT fight back. It takes some of us, like me, longer than most, I think. My husband stopped me. Because he would take the blame for everything and if I did something I knew was wrong, he would find a reason why I was perfectly reasonable to do what I did! I found myself almost shouting at him one time something along the lines of "Please! Let me be wrong and apologize! Stop standing up for me TO me!" A VERY strange position to be in for me, but the upshot was that I tend to just smile at insults and threats now.
Granted I have not been physically threatened since one very feisty daughter moved out, and all my words here might be fine on paper and I might thrash like a tigress if threatened.
But at least let me say that this business of things like the martial arts, and maybe even carrying a concealed weapon, don't seem to me to be part of the way Jesus walked.
edit: it takes far more 'macho' and strength to have the self-control not to fight back than to fight back...
as I recall, self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit, no?
But keep in mind that when Jesus was being whipped, mocked, a crown of thorns slammed onto His head, led to Golgotha, nailed to the cross, and then that cross or cross-piece slammed into the ground, ripping tendons and flesh, He was definitely being assaulted. He had both the power and the right to call down every angel in heaven to destroy His attackers and all of us.
He did not do it.
It is said that the church was built on the blood of the martyrs. Now I don't know anyone, including me, who would volunteer for martyrdom as a general thing! Not a pleasant idea! Nevertheless, these men and women stood up for their faith to the point of death. People still do this in Muslim and Communist countries today as well as, from what I understand, some African nations which aren't either.
This life here on earth is simply not the most worthwhile thing we Christians have going for us! God is totally in charge and if one of us is personally attacked, God knew about it and allowed it for a reason. I am NOT talking about defending family or home or country. I am talking about personal attacks -- physical, mental and spiritual.
The only time in the Bible when ANYONE is called upon to protest vehemently when attacked is a woman when being raped or threatened to be raped!
Now, if defending oneself in the process of defending another and so that you CAN defend another is called for, that is different, too.
But this business of "I will fight with anyone who wants to fight with me" is really wrong.
About the 'fight or flight' response. That won't wash. We live in a fallen world and we have sin natures. An adrenalin rush when confronted or threatened heightens awareness and speeds up response time. But how you use that awareness and response is still up to you.
It takes time to learn to NOT fight back. It takes some of us, like me, longer than most, I think. My husband stopped me. Because he would take the blame for everything and if I did something I knew was wrong, he would find a reason why I was perfectly reasonable to do what I did! I found myself almost shouting at him one time something along the lines of "Please! Let me be wrong and apologize! Stop standing up for me TO me!" A VERY strange position to be in for me, but the upshot was that I tend to just smile at insults and threats now.
Granted I have not been physically threatened since one very feisty daughter moved out, and all my words here might be fine on paper and I might thrash like a tigress if threatened.
But at least let me say that this business of things like the martial arts, and maybe even carrying a concealed weapon, don't seem to me to be part of the way Jesus walked.
edit: it takes far more 'macho' and strength to have the self-control not to fight back than to fight back...
as I recall, self-control is one of the fruits of the Spirit, no?