Could you show me in scripture where demons have the ability to shape shift or manifest themselves as a non-living entity? Because I've only read of them inhabiting living creatures, i.e. humans, swine, etc.
True: It is a
presumption of common (as I've read it) Angelology/demonology, but, a plausible and warranted one. I can come back with specifics later but it hinges upon the idea that if demons are fallen angels and angels (at least some of them) can appear in certain forms to men, than it follows that some demons can likewise. The angel appeared to do so to Daniel for instance and also Gabriel's appearance to Mary. Gabriel is classified as a Cherub, and when he appeared to Mary, it is assummed he did
not do so in his natural form. <----
THAT would be frightening! (Explained by a comparison of Ezekiel's vision near the river Chebar) <---I think I spelled that right. That is found in Ezekiel chapters 1 and 10.
In Joshua chapter 5: Joshua sees a "man" with a sword and what-not who identifies himself as the "Captain of the Lord's host"..(likely an angel). This is thought not to be his "natural" form.
As I said this is built on our VERY limited knowledge of what the Scriptures teach us emphatically about Angels and demons which is (thankfully) precious little. Maybe someone more expert than I on the topic could give you more insight into why many believe demons could easily change forms or shape-shift. I am relying heavily on the teachings of Theologians more knowledgeable than I on the issue.
When you say that demons are clever enough to make radar blips appear, could you specify how this would be accomplished?
Only if
I MYSELF had a clue, could I specify how :laugh:
Would it happen because a person under the influence of demons would rig the electronics or could demons supernaturally affect circuitry?
Sounds like as good an explanation as any...sabotage!! I like it, has a certain Hercule Poirot ring to it...But, and of course I'm speculating, I imagine demons are perfectly capable on monkeying with material things and devises in such a way as to give false readings certainly, I have no problem thinking them easily capable of doing the work themselves.
I am somewhat partial to the likely explanation that SOME manifestations of UFO phenomena are the results of demonic influence, but, I don't think we can be dogmatic about it.
I appreciate your answers.
I appreciate your input too :thumbs: