...we are decieving children with things that go way beyond Santa and the tooth fairy! We need to be very careful in what we say, and how we live, because there are greater things than Santa Claus to be concerned over.
For instance, many of us, as believers drink and smoke, and tell our children it is perfectly fine so long as it is in moderation! The question is, what is moderation? And can moderation really be difined or taught, and does it always have a "magical" number attached to it? What you consider moderation may not be what the children decide is moderation, when the reach adulthood! And what do we say to our kids when they come in contact with teetotalers who paint these things as sinful practices and a form of filth??
I think we need to be cognizant of the manner in which we live and how we talk; because there will always be those who see these things quite differently than how we bring our kids up to believe!
Another for instance, some believers don't think certain words are cussing. And we tell our kids that this form of the word is acceptable in God's eyes, while the other form of the the same word or meaning of that word isn't
I hope I am making sense to you folks, because I do not mean to judge any of you, and I do not pretend to know what is and isn't acceptable to God! I just think that there are moral choices and values that can take on a falsehood of their own, and we need to examine everything, if in fact we are going to hold those who want their kids to have a few years of believing in "Fairy tales!"
LIke someone once said: When we point a finger at another there are three other fingers on our hand pointing back at us! Selah!
.... when we tell them things that we know are not true?
This time of year one often hears discussions of whether or not parents allow their children to "believe in Santa Claus."
I've had different ideas about this, but what about other "white lies" such as "The Tooth Fairy," etc.?
I'd like to read your take on this, preferably including God's Word to back up your position.
...we are decieving children with things that go way beyond Santa and the tooth fairy! We need to be very careful in what we say, and how we live, because there are greater things than Santa Claus to be concerned over.
For instance, many of us, as believers drink and smoke, and tell our children it is perfectly fine so long as it is in moderation! The question is, what is moderation? And can moderation really be difined or taught, and does it always have a "magical" number attached to it? What you consider moderation may not be what the children decide is moderation, when the reach adulthood! And what do we say to our kids when they come in contact with teetotalers who paint these things as sinful practices and a form of filth??
I think we need to be cognizant of the manner in which we live and how we talk; because there will always be those who see these things quite differently than how we bring our kids up to believe!
Another for instance, some believers don't think certain words are cussing. And we tell our kids that this form of the word is acceptable in God's eyes, while the other form of the the same word or meaning of that word isn't
I hope I am making sense to you folks, because I do not mean to judge any of you, and I do not pretend to know what is and isn't acceptable to God! I just think that there are moral choices and values that can take on a falsehood of their own, and we need to examine everything, if in fact we are going to hold those who want their kids to have a few years of believing in "Fairy tales!"
LIke someone once said: When we point a finger at another there are three other fingers on our hand pointing back at us! Selah!