Got one of those catalogues from a seller of just about all things Christendom this week. They are fun to flip through!
But I was thinking about what I saw:
books designed to lead to a sort of close encounter of the third kind with God--almost promising thrills and goosebumps.
music designed to create specific emotional states: seductive music, martial music, etc.
lots of books all but guaranteeing your church will double or triple in size if you follow this or that formula for success.
All stuff that is selling like hotcakes and very very popular.
But after flipping through it, I started wondering where God is in all this?
So here's the question up for brighter minds than mine to debate:
In using any form of music designed specifically to create a mood, or in using sentimental tear jerker stories or exciting hero type stories instead of expounding Scripture, or in following the latest management plan of church growth, do we produce true converts, or do we produce false converts and thus a false revival?
What think ye?
But I was thinking about what I saw:
books designed to lead to a sort of close encounter of the third kind with God--almost promising thrills and goosebumps.
music designed to create specific emotional states: seductive music, martial music, etc.
lots of books all but guaranteeing your church will double or triple in size if you follow this or that formula for success.
All stuff that is selling like hotcakes and very very popular.
But after flipping through it, I started wondering where God is in all this?
So here's the question up for brighter minds than mine to debate:
In using any form of music designed specifically to create a mood, or in using sentimental tear jerker stories or exciting hero type stories instead of expounding Scripture, or in following the latest management plan of church growth, do we produce true converts, or do we produce false converts and thus a false revival?
What think ye?