Much of what we now call "revival" started with the efforts of Charles Grandison Finney, who literally invented the American forms of coming to the altar to repent, driven by emotion and convincing speech.
Much has been written since about whether his methods were biblical or not, or whether he tapped into a true movement of God or just manufactured a move of people.
In any case, since Finney, we have a parade of "evangelists" who have criss-crossed the world doing big-event evangelism, but with small actual successes at increasing the number of Christians who worship God and persevere in the faith. Billy Graham, for instance, has about a 2% success ratio. That number may be less than an average preacher who is faithful to proclaim the Scriptures from the pulpit of a local church, albeit, Graham packs stadiums with people, as did his predecessors, Billy Sunday, Dwight Moody, etc.
Have I ever seen a work of God, where multiple people were saved? Yes. But it was not "revival" of the sort that most talk about when that subject comes up. Has it "stuck" in the lives of those saved? Yes. Most, though youth at the time, are now active in vocational ministry. Did we "manufacture the event"? Not really. In fact, it came in a week of youth events that was not going well at all.
Nothing we did really touched the hard-hearted youth at all. We spent two days in fervent prayer and God chose to show up -- almost after the fact -- and started to do a work among those present that we can only attribute to Him. Really horrific singing (by the youth), really horrific preaching (by a man who was evidently not called to be a preacher), and a rather horrific location (hot, sweaty, bugs, etc.). We were just trying to figure out how to close down the session and escape without loosing our crowd. I felt God leading me to share one last word before we dismissed. I really didn't have much of anything meaningful to say, but I did share a couple words of my testimony, then asked if any of the other persons in the room had ever felt like the whole "God business" was just something people did to get the rest of us to follow rules. I asked what it would take for God to be real to us, and I began praying that He would do just that. All I can say is that He did.
It was like a wave in the room. A leader came in tears and repented of a sin that no one would have guessed. One after another of the youth were broken and repenting of sins. One was praying with another all over the room. No music, no leading, no prompting, just God pouring out His Spirit into our souls. This went on for over 2 hours, and after about an hour, some of the people were done with their business, while others were still being led by God to repent and be saved. Those who were finished -- without any adult leadership -- did the most fantastic thing I've ever seen... They went outside the building and began marching around and around, like Joshua and Jericho, they sang songs and prayed that God would work. I WISH I could manufacture events like that!
Like I said, most of those touched that night are now in vocational ministry. I only wish I could repeat that event, but until God moves again, I'll have to live with the memory, and like the Psalmist, praise Him for His mighty deeds and pray that He act again.