Call it whatever you like in today's political climate, BUT one thing is certain; the clash between two opposing factions (dims VS reality) is nothing if not humongous.
List each party's basic beliefs, and you will find at least (IMHO) 95% disagreement; perhaps even 100%.
Abortion, finances, immigration, health care, foreign policy, enemy appeasement, history, fire arms, climate (change?), crime enforcement & punishment, taxes, regulations, free speech, religion, role of gov't, -- yada, yada, yada!!
We went through 8 years of the ZERO'S administration and the right never
treated him as the left has done to Trump since Nov 2016!! It seems that the left HATES Trump, more than they love America!!
ALMOST (????) makes me believe that when Trump is re-elected -
by a larger margin than in '16 - the wound-up left just may decide to try to make this "
COLD WAR" into a "
Hope they are not so stupid as to try, but just observing the left since 11/16 doesn't do much to encourage my hope.
Hope they (the left) have enough logic left to realize that their opposition are the ones that have most of the privately owned guns, while , (
as I read in a quip earlier ), "--
they don't know which bathroom to use"!!
I'm kind of tired of this reduction of people to labels. People are not simple, but let me ask a question that confuses me coming from other Christians:
Abortion: Why does the Right seem to be more about Hating Pro Choice people rather than focusing on Loving the children (I have mixed feelings about this issue, both sides have some valid points and both have some some room to try to be more understanding that life is not so simple and easy to make either of these choices simple
Immigration: Why does the Right seem to be more about Hating / fearing the immigrants than Loving all of God's children? You can make some valid debates about protecting our borders or controlling immigrant access to services, but don't hate the people....Most of them are just poor and desperate.
Health Care: Why are you afraid of treating your fellow human beings with love and trying to have better, cheaper health care for all? Don't hate people that need health care (I guarantee you and everyone else is going to get sick and die some day).....hate that for some reason in a capitalist country, there is no competition allowed to reduce the price of drugs that have been around for years / decades.
Taxes? I don't really know anyone who enjoys paying taxes so maybe we have some common ground here. If the government wasted less (bad contracts, sweetheart deals, no real competition for medical services, etc), maybe we could pay less in taxes
Religion: The separation of Church and state in the United States is not intended as a means of controlling / limited religion. It is intended as a way of protecting religion.....So that one religion doesn't get to suppress the beliefs and practices of another. When you think about what you wish the law would allow you to force others to do, ask yourself if you would want to take turns sharing control of the law. Do you want to live under the rules of Shariah (sp?) law? I wouldn' I'm pretty happy that the law of the land is to let people practice their spirituality as they see fit without letting them force that on others.
Treat others as you would want to be treated. Love thy neighbor, love thine enemy.....It doesn't mean bend over backwards to let them abuse you....but it certainly doesn't mean hate them either.
Both sides need to stop focusing on their differences.
Everyone who's even remotely decent loves their children and wants them to be happy and successful
Everyone wants to earn a decent living from a hard days work
Everyone worries about paying their bills and making ends meet (well, not the 0.1% controlling BOTH sides of the media)
Everyone likes to spend time with family and friends, laughing, joking, and feeling connected to their communities
Everyone wants their children and family to be safe and healthy
Stop the rhetoric...there are no liberals and conservatives...not really. They are a complex mix of feelings, emotions, wants and desires.
You can accuse me of being a liberal....but if a murderer is undoubtably guilty, I'm for execution, or at least not strictly against it (depends on how heinous I guess). I hate my tax dollars being wasted and I'd prefer lower taxes. If someone attacks my people in my country, I would respond in a nice, mature and respectful fashion by offering a choice: "Here's 3 major cities in your country, pick 1 to save, the other two will be burning piles of dust by morning, you have 15 minutes to decide"
Try love and trust more, and hate and fear less.
God bless.