I believe it is an avenue that may be used to Satan to attempt to undermine the church.
Most churches are incorporated with their states. That makes them corporations of the state and subject to state regulations.
States make laws against "hate-crimes" or "inciting violence" or "discrimination" against homose*uals. Unless you have a provision in the law to exempt churches, they are open to civil lawsuits or criminal prosecutions for violations.
Churches must choose to "conform" to the state guidelines or follow scripture concerning the issue.
There is a great apostacy (falling away) within the "church" as various church groups/denominations discard the truth for peace and safety and turn on their "fundamentalists, right-wing conservative" brothers and sisters.
The true Christian church is subject to ever increasing persecution as Christians are jailed for their beliefs on the pretext of breaking the law.
The anti-Christ comes and sets up a one world religion which only the true Christians will reject and many of them will be killed.
Jesus comes back and ushers in the Kingdom of God.
peace to you