I am an Independant Fundamental Baptist. But first, and foremost, I'm saved by the blood!
I believe in the virgin birth of Christ, that He lived a sinless perfect life, that GOD created the earth, as told in Genisis, In pre trib rapture, KJVO, the atonimy of the local church, the presthood of the beliver {in other words, we don't go to a priest, we can go straight to God}, I believe that you are saved by grace threw faith and can never lose your salvation, there is a literal Heaven, and a literal hell. homosexuality is a sin, as well as abortion, oh I could go on and on to cover so much more of what I believe.
Fundamentalists' believe basic Bible doctrines. {oh my! All of us!? Agree on something?!

} well, there's hope for us yet, with the Lord's help!
Independant just means {to my knoledge, which probably isn't much!} seprerated from other groups. We are governed by first God, but then the pastor. They have the athority, not a convention, or group, or comitty.
This is what I thought most Independant Fundamental Baptists' believed.
So am I allowed to post here?
www.psalm118.org click on the Book that says "Doctrine"
[ September 05, 2002, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: saved by grace 1999 ]