rd2, you're beatin' a dead horse. (Dead horse; Source:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flogging_a_dead_horse) Ain't worth the effort.
Name calling, pointing the finger, accusing, has become a way of life here in America and is otherwise just a defense mechanism. A cheap one..., but often an effective one. Course, I did sleep quite well last night.
This trend and attitude has consumed many churches to the point that once all the old timers die off in most congregations..., the church will be out of business as, "It's my/our way or 'da highway!" and this just doesn't seem to attract very many of the youth in our nation. (Source, my personal observation.)
As stated, I have been charged with and determined to be guilty of, engaging in plagiarism.
By dictionary definition, plagiarism is..., "
the act of, or instance of, using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author:" My source for this definition?
Now, in a court of law a charge of plagiarism won't stand unless the accused personally
profited ($$$$) somehow using the work of another as their own. (Sorry, no link or source for this as I simply don't have the time to scan and/or search all the massive legal databases, documents and decision relating to such position. Look it up for yourselves.)
Lets say that I use the following comment in a post. "
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Would there be a demand for a source? Nope. Unless of course said comment walked all over the toes of a pious reader. But here's just
one of the many sources associated with the above quote.
Accordingly, by providing the source to the above I'm not guilty of anything, right? But if I say or (quote) that if someone doesn't have a spiritually teachable spirit perhaps their attitude is that of a Pharisee..., the Pharisee nature of the reader comes unglued and the accusations start to fly. Yes, the (question/comment/observation) comes from another (source) while the point of the question is still viable..., but the (source) of said question becomes tantamount to all else?
I mean, as accused, when asked for my source I
deliberately, and with
malice..., REFUSED to provide said source. Proof positive that my intentions were to personally gain something? No, "part and parcel" of that defensive mechanism. ...sorry about ya' all's toes.
Uh, oh..., "
Part and Parcel". Source...,
Years ago I really enjoyed watching the TV Sitcom, All in the Family. (Source:
Archie Bunker (Source:
The show centered around Archie being bigoted. Bigoted; (Source:
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bigoted?s=t) "All in the Family got many of its laughs by playing on Archie's bigotry, although the dynamic tension between Archie and liberal Mike provided an ongoing political and social sounding board for a variety of topics." (Source; (
Archie opened a lot of doors making us laugh at ourselves and exposing our many, many faults as a nation and as individuals.
...it's a shame the show went of the air. Perhaps we could still be learning about each other. (Source: I made it up myself.)
IMHO, that is. IMHO? Source..., give me a break. Go google it yourself!
In conclusion RD2, stop beating the dead horse. (Dead horse; Source;
Me thinks 'der be dead horses all over 'dis forum. (I made this up myself, too.)
Bye, ya' all.