satan *NEVER* lets a crisis go by without pushing his agenda to castrate and make impotent people who believe in individual freedom to seek Christ and speak openly about such things as Justice and Mercy.
That there are a few Globalists on this board can not be denied...
That they think that American Freedoms are to blame for all the violence is so narrow minded that it is pathetic and obvious...
American Freedom, IMHO, is what little salt there is that retains Freedom throughout the World. Like it or not.
As long as America is free, despots throughout the world have to wonder that if they go to far, will American Patriots attempt to export that same set of Freedoms over their dead bodies?
Whos is to blame for the Arizona shootings?
Is it the 2nd Amendment?
Did that handgun march itself to the scenec and start firing all by itself.
Would laws banning Handguns have prevented this?
No, probably not.
Because handgun laws only prevent the law aabiding person from obtaning one. A determined criminal or sociopath can always get a handgun, even in Austrailia or England.
And, even barring the availability of a Handgun, there are always kitchen knives. And, sociopaths are never against getting up close and personal...
But, there are now screams to tighten handgun laws...
The real reason...
The despots running America are afraid that if they push too far, it won't be an election they will have to worry about. satan can't make sinners sin, if there is too high a cost involved, that they can see clearly.
Was it Internet free Speech? Doubtful.
Some of the election campaining rhetoric throughout US history was been even more vitriolic. The only difference was that a person had to be literate enough and prosperous enough to buy and read a newspaper.
But, obama now wants an Individual Cyber security ID for all Americans!
This way he can shut down all connects for anyone who voices an contrary expression with a few keystrokes...
Why? Because they are afraid of the right to Free Speech and its affect on their satanic agenda. They don't want any Truth but their own "truth" to be heard.
Because if the light of day truly shines on their actions Globalist Liberal Christians will have no excuse for sitting idly by and reelecting such satanically inspired trash.
Who's *really* to blame?
And ,his minions who the Liberal Globalist church has empowered by putting his "ministers" in charge of our government and the over throw of the US Constitution.
To which I still have an oath to defend...