Well-Known Member
I cannot be more pleased with how Governor Hutchinson has been guiding Arkansas through the pandemic. While some other states were emaciating their economies, Governor Hutchinson was keeping Arkansas going forward, slower, but still forward. He is arguably the best governor in the United States.
“Gov. Asa Hutchinson said the revenue numbers were a surprise considering the revised expectations.
“With the month of May, we were 3.4% below last year in state revenue. But this is really extraordinarily good compared to what the projections were. So I’m delighted with the individual income tax collections, with the fact that people are going back to work. The sales tax collection shows that people are gaining confidence in our economy again, and this is good news for us,” he said Tuesday.”
May tax revenue down only 2%; Gov. Hutchinson ‘delighted’ with the report - Talk Business & Politics
“Gov. Asa Hutchinson said the revenue numbers were a surprise considering the revised expectations.
“With the month of May, we were 3.4% below last year in state revenue. But this is really extraordinarily good compared to what the projections were. So I’m delighted with the individual income tax collections, with the fact that people are going back to work. The sales tax collection shows that people are gaining confidence in our economy again, and this is good news for us,” he said Tuesday.”
May tax revenue down only 2%; Gov. Hutchinson ‘delighted’ with the report - Talk Business & Politics
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