These brave Marines & Sailor were only doing their duty. Some of those they contacted may not choose to join one of our armed forces, & given the current situation our soldiers face, I can see why they wouldn't. After what happened to these 4 Marines & 1 Sailor, I really can't blame some young person if he's hesitant about joining one of our armed forces these days.
The ops-tempo of one deployment after another is a whole lot more than it was 20 or so yrs. ago
To make matters worse, due to the increasing cuts in both the active duty & reserve forces [& our current CinC wants to make even more cuts], there isn't the manning available that there ought to be to support our men & women who're placed in deployments to places where it's not likely to do much permanent good after they pull out of these places.
Will Afghanistan continue to survive as a unified nation for very long? Nope. For centuries what we call Afghanistan was just a collection of tiny regions, each ruled by 1 or 2 tyrannical war lords who're constantly fighting each other over who's going to control the opium crops within that area.
What about Iraq? There it's a struggle to see who can control the sources & transport of oil to us. Have we REALLY accomplished with Operation Iraqi Freedom? I watched when our previous CinC landed on that carrier & stupidly proclaimed "Mission Accomplished"! Yeah...right!
A number of our nation's finest men & women were either killed or wounded or will now spend the rest of their lives either disabled, becoming victims of suicide, or dying due to lack of timely medical and/or mental treatment or therapy--or both--by a VA system that's a disgrace to the individuals & families who sacrificed all--only to be put on some anonymous, woefully incomplete waiting list our government guaranteed these people would never happen.
All the government has managed to do is to wring their hands & tell our vets that we just didn't count on having as many of you as we thought we would who're hanging on by a thread, & will have to do so for the rest of your lives. Sorry 'bout that.
Remember the ads from investment cos. that tell us, "Past performance isn't a guarantee of future outcomes."
Too bad that our military recruiters are told not to tell their prospects the same thing should they opt to join one of our armed forces these days. If you might discourage your potential clients that something bad might happen to you--even if you plan to be a recruiter like me!
Tell them only good things. There are some good things the military offers: Tuition assistance, or significant reduction for college-level classes you can take while on duty (Provided you're not being shot at while you're trying to study your textbook or class notes!). There's the chance to see places you'd never otherwise see, like Afghanistan, or Syria, where our current CinC wants to put US troops between the good anti-Assad forces & the bad ones. Lotsa luck finding out which side is which!
Please understand that I love America--with all its warts, it's STILL the greatest nation on earth! If I thought otherwise, I wouldn't have spent 1/3d of my life wearing theuniform that I willingly wore....and would do it again if I had to!
Thank God He allowed me to be born in the US! He just as easily could have allowed me to be born in some 3d world nation with little or no hope of improving my lot in life, & He'd be perfectly in His right to do so...but He didn't.
Instead, He allowed me to live in a country that still gives me the opportunity to get ahead in life if I avail myself of the many opportunities that are out there. America doesn't owe me anything, but I owe America much more than I could ever humanly expect to be able to pay back, no matter how long God allows me to live.
I'm thankful that I at least can have some voice in choosing whom I wish to see in governmental leadership in both local, and state, and federal capacities.
The Bible COMMANDS me, "that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour" (1 Tim. 2:1-3).
Maybe I don't particularly care for who's in whatever local, state, or federal leadership office, but that doesn't change what my Bible COMMANDS me to do.
If I correctly understand 1st cent. history, I believe that the "King" under which Paul & Timothy was living was probably Emperor Nero. He wasn't the kind of guy I'd want ruling over me, & probably neither Paul nor Timothy wanted him as their emperor. But neither of them had any voice in choosing who their ruler was. Yet the HS inspired Paul to urge Timothy to pray for him anyway.
Have you prayed for those in governmental authority over you? IMHO, doing so is one way to show your Savior that you want to do something that'll be "good and acceptable in His sight." Right?