christianyouth said:Easy believism = Non-Lordship salvation.
Well I don't buy Lordship Salvation to begin with, but funny how that belief never permeated the doctrinal heritage of the Church until recently. Regardless you are both overstating your case and using a logical fallacy. In attempting a reductio absurdem argument you have actually engaged in three seperate fallacies:
post hoc fallacy - just because one thing is one way it is held to cause the other
creating a false dilemma - forcing two choices when in reality there are more choices (specifically how you think it's Calvinism or Arminism when there are more options)
Hasty Generalization - forcing a view onto a group without fully exploring the entirety of the group
You're forcing your argument one way and not creating coherent line of thought. Calvin isn't God. Demonizing people who disagree isn't awfully Christian either btw.
Also, I didn't misrepresent lifestyle evangelism. That is lifestyle evangelism taken to its logical conclusion. If I didn't build the bridge, the Gospel would lose credibility. Or else, why build the bridge in the first place if it's not making the Gospel more effective?
Yes you did misrepresent it. You have no clue what it is. By adding this little line of "taken to its logical conclusion" doesn't validate your ill-informed accusation. Rather it is along the same lines as saying:
Calvinism, taken to its logical conclusion, leads to no need for evangelization since the saved are already justified and have no need for any evangelization.
That's a foolish statement, and exactly on par with what you're saying about lifestyle evangelism. The fact is Jesus is all over being a light and salt to people and finding opportunities to tell them the good news of the Gospel. His whole ministry is dedicated to this and much of His teachings.
Here's the dealyo-diddyo, however you do evangelism is fine with me (please don't force a catch all on me here) so long as you're doing evangelism. But don't for a second think you've got a corner on the market of how I can connect someone to Christ because you haven't seen it all work. Doesn't matter if you're 18 or 81, there are more ways to connect people with the truth of the Gospel than gettting in their grill and handing them some silly four spiritual laws presentation thinking you've cover all the bases.
Think about CS Lewis, or Augustine for that matter, both were brought to the truth of the Gospel by lives and active Lifestyle Evangelism of those who loved them. Both found Christ through seeing the TRUTH of Christ lived through others and then asking about the source of that truth.
Seriously start reading some more and getting some more experience in this whole Christianity. We have really big tent full of cool people who are doing lots of cool things. Plug in with them and expand your horizon. God is a whole lot bigger than we often make Him.